Survival Analysis in R

A collection of resources to support learning about survival analysis in R.

Short Course for Survival Analysis in R

The workshop materials are intended for a one-week intensive course in survival analysis. These materials could be used for a standalone workshop, as part of a dedicated Survival Analysis course, or as part of a second Biostatistics course.

Workshop: Survival Analysis in R

R Markdown + PDF + R code for a short course

R package: eventtimedata

Accompanies Survival Analysis in R workshop

Survival Analysis in R Guide

The PDF below provides a guide to survival analysis in R using the survival package, supplemented by the KMsurv and OIsurv packages for additional data sets and functions.

ATTENTION The package is not currently installing from CRAN. However, you can install the package from Github with the following commands:
install.packages("devtools") # (if not already installed)

Survival Analysis in R, PDF guide
Full set of code used in the guide

Supplemental Code for Cox PH, Time-Dependent Covariates

Users who are especially interested in the application of Cox PH models using time-dependent covariates may be interested in one additional function, which has been kindly provided by Beau Benjamin Bruce.

Code containing df.cp function